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No commas or quotes for array values


[milk eggs beer]

No commas or quotes for object pairs

    color: blue
    number: 12
    band: Beatles

Optional trailing commas

[ 1, 2, 3, ] 
{ color:red, align:left, }

Single-Line Comments

// This is an RJSON file
[ one two three ]names.
// Thanks for viewing!

In-Line Comments

[ one two three ] // This is an array of number names.

Multi-Line (Block) Comments

/* This is an RJSON file */
[ one two /* a comment */ three ] /* This is an array of numbers with a comment inside. */
/* Thanks for
viewing! */

Single Quotes

{ 'hello' : 'world' }
'You "quoted" me!'

Backtick Quotes

{ `hello` : `world` }
` Wow, this line has unescaped "quotes" and 'apostrophes'! `

Multiline Strings

    "Strings can \
span multiple lines."

    'They can either \
single, double, or backtick \

Example RJSON and Equivalent JSON for ambiguous value cases.

    // Notice that the key is a string but the value is a number
    {"1": 1} 

    // Now the value is a string

    // More examples of this.
    { true:true }
    { "true":true }

    { true:'true' }
    { "true":"true" }

    { null:null }
    { "null":null }

    { null:'null' }
    { "null":"null" }

    // Not advised, but no quotes are needed when escaping reserved characters (spaces, etc).

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